Yoo-ri, a seemingly model student from a well-to do family suddenly commits suicide at a lakeside campsite with several people she met via a suicide group. Detectives suspect suicide, but her mother Hye-yeong firmly believes that her classmate Ye-na and homeroom teacher Gi-beom were the killers. Ye-na is an idol trainee and Gi-beom is a teacher who looked after Yoo-ri. As the investigation dives into the lives of these people, it spirals out of control due to conflicting statements between the three, but detectives find out that actions of Hye-yeong started causing cracks in Yoo-ri's heart. Deeply believing that she was doing everything possible for her child out of love, can Hye-yeong uncov
Episodes: Ep 1 / 1 Ratting: Directors: Kim Soo-in-II Writers: Kim Soo-in-II Stars: Tae-kyung Oh, Choi So-Yoon, Yoon Jun Won | See full cast & crew »Unknown